Film/Video Productions
Unlike other camps or schools, we are an independent workshop with classes that are less than 6 people. Since no other classes are running simultaneously, we can keep the number of people down to the minimum, thus keeping it safe, and pay more attention to the campers.
Please complete this form and either mail it, drop it off, or send it in by email.
Summer Camp
After School Program

Sign up for Summer Camp!*

Sign up for After School Program!*
Session 1 June 26 - 30 REGISTER
Session 2 July 17 - 21 REGISTER
Session 3 Aug 21 - 25 REGISTER
Session 4 Aug 28 - Sep 1 REGISTER
1-Week Sessions
2-Week Sessions
Session 1 June 26 - July 7 REGISTER
Session 2 July 17 - 28 REGISTER
Session 3 Aug 21 - Sep 1 REGISTER

*Schedule is subject to change
*No refunds